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SIP Endpoints

Define the Configuration and Authentication parameters of the SIP Trunk.


Figure 7.1 SIP Endpoints Menu
  1. To add a new Trunk click and follow instructions.
  2. Filter results to manage Trunks.
  3. Click to edit existing SIP trunk.

Settings Window



Figure 7.2 SIP Endpoints Menu
  1. Name new Trunk.
  2. Select PBX Type.
  3. Select Location of PBX.
  4. Click to quickly manage all locations.
  5. Select Dynamic or Static IP of PBX connection.
  6. Provide IP address of Static will provide Username and password for SIP authentication.
  7. Select call recording options.

Outbound Calls


Figure 7.3 SIP Endpoints Menu
  1. Details outgoing POP to send calls to along with an example of correct To and From Fields.
  2. Select outgoing Authentication, If static IP was selected in previous set that same IP will be used for Outgoing authentication.
  3. If SIP Credentials are selected a Username and Password will be generated.

Inbound Calls


Figure 7.4 SIP Endpoints Menu
  1. Select Point of Presence you want calls to originate from.
  2. If using a Static IP call will be sent using SIP URI matching your IP.
  3. Select Inbound Authentication, Can use Static IP or SIP credentials.
  4. If SIP Credentials are selected the option to create a Username and password for Incoming authentication.